Website is Launched!
In the darkness when everyone is sound asleep in their beds and without much notice a website is launched. It’s been a long few weeks for me trying to go from zero to website but it is officially here and ready for business. Special thanks to Eric at Cando for the immense help in getting me here, and Pottinger Photo for the excellent photography. I am still quite the novice so there may be some unforeseen issues arise as the site gets more use but for right now I think it is pretty functional and many of the rough edges have been radiused over. I encourage visitors to create an account, subscribe, leave comments, and especially to leave feedback about the site and what we can do to improve things, add functionality, or even suggest new product ideas. I hope to regularly add content about new product development, machining, and testing and maybe not only generate some online business but perhaps inspire others to turn their launch keys as well. I would also like to welcome Lance Whalen as a volunteer site manger. While I am more inclined toward developing the AR15/M4 persuasion, Lance is the AK junky so I figure that is about 99.9% of the market right there. Besides that he can play a mean guitar and answer all of your frog related queries (which I’m sure there will be many). It is now past 2am which has been pretty standard if not an early bedtime for me the past couple of weeks but I am weary now and am off to make an attempt at an extended stage 4 sleep. Or at least until Luke wakes up at 8am. Welcome and Permission to come aboard.
The site looks great. Pleased to be aboard !